

We encourage responsible and respectful online activity by students, faculty and staff and maintain a commitment to academic freedom on social media platforms.

As a nationally ranked university, Xavier University of Louisiana (XULA) recognizes the importance of participating in online conversations and activities. We encourage responsible and respectful online activity by students, faculty and staff and maintain a commitment to academic freedom on social media platforms.

We expect that the following university core values will govern the online choices Xavier University of Louisiana communicators make: 

Truth | Service | Leadership | Excellence

These guidelines, which you can 以PDF格式查看, are provided to outline how the above core values should be demonstrated in official communications in social media spaces. The guidelines apply to material that Xavier 部门s, offices and related units publish on University-hosted websites and related Xavier social media sites. Any questions about these Guidelines should be directed to the Marketing and 沟通s Department. 

All members of the Xavier Community are encouraged to adhere to and stay up to date on the rules of engagement, policies and/or terms of service supplied by each individual platform (of which evolve and grow daily):

Xavier University of Louisiana encourages responsible and respectful online activity and maintains a commitment to academic freedom on social media platforms. If any social media account for any entity of the University is created after July 1, 2020 it must be approved by the 部门, unit or organization leader and then by the Marketing and 沟通s Division, in order to be officially listed on the University’s directory.

New social media accounts should take into consideration the following seven (7) guidelines before creation, operation and dissemination:

  1. Purpose - What is the objective for creating the account?
  2. Content - Will there be enough content to consistently populate the platform?
  3. Audience - Is there an identifiable audience?
  4. Need - Is there a need for social/digital communication in this particular space, 立即或其他?
  5. Collaboration - Is there an existing University account that makes collaboration possible?
  6. Maintenance - Is there a University staff member or University social ambassador to operate the account?
  7. Evaluation - How will this account be measured for success?

* The answers should determine if an account should be created and if an account is needed.

The Xavier University of Louisiana 社交媒体 目录 is the official listing of the University’s social media presences on campus. The University’s social media presence continues to grow both within and across new and evolving platforms.

If you are operating an account or wish to create an account on a platform where the University does not have an official social presence and would like the account listed on the University’s official directory, 请填写 社交媒体审批表格. Additionally, 请填写 login credential submission form  根据MCD政策.

然而, across the five (5) platforms where the University currently occupies a presence—in order to be listed—a unit, 部门, 组织或实体, should meet all of the following criteria:

  • 我们社区的一部分? - Follow/Like the official Xavier University of Louisiana presence on the respective platform: (推特 | 脸谱网 | Instagram | YouTube | LinkedIn)
  • 有听众? - Have more than 75 fans/followers.
  • 有一个完整的画面? - Contain relevant, appropriate, detailed profile information and photos.
  • Have consistent content to share? - Provide up-to-date, engaging and University-related content.
  • 有大学关系? - Include official link to the respective web page or University-page presence.
  • 与大学有关? - Identify a clear relationship between the presence of the account and the University.
  • Have the necessary maintenance and staffing resources? - Have a social media ambassador or official University administrator for the account.
  • 批准? - Have approval by the 部门, unit or organization leader/administrator to create the social account.
  • 品牌? - Meet the appropriate and correct branding as detailed by the University’s 品牌指导方针