




一旦路易斯安那e世博esball大学从联邦中央处理器那里获得了你的官方EFC,你就被正式录取了, we will notify you of your eligibility for aid. 通常从每年5月初开始,录取通知就会发布在BANNER网站上. This notification will specify all the aid for which you are eligible. 阅读条款和条件, as it will include information on how to accept, 减少或拒绝一个提议. 如果你得到一笔贷款,你有权决定你是否想借,想借多少. You may accept a loan in full, refuse in full, or accept an amount less than offered.

If you have applied for scholarships or 状态 financial aid programs, we may not be aware of those offers until you or the agencies notify us. If you know of additional offers that you will be receiving (offered, 未申请), you will need to notify the office of financial aid. 如果在你的经济援助资格中没有报告和重新计算额外的录取, 你以后可能要偿还联邦贷款, 状态 or institutional aid offered and disbursed to you.

经济援助办公室保留根据新信息修改录取通知的权利.e. outside resources, data corrections due to the verification process, etc.) If your eligibility changes, a revised offer notification will be posted on 为学生设计的BANNER网页. 您实际收到的付款将取决于您的持续资格以及您在每个offer项目所需的所需学时数的注册.

How to Accept or Decline Your Award Offer


如果在学期完成60%之前正式退学或停止上课,所有经济援助接受者将被要求偿还一定比例的资金. 如果学生未能取得令人满意的学业进步,经济援助资金将被终止. Corrections made to your Student 援助 Report (SAR) can cause changes in offer amounts. Offers are based on your current or estimated enrolled hours. Dropping or withdrawing can cause your financial aid to be adjusted or canceled.


学分 状态
12学分或以上 全职状态
9 - 11学分 3 / 4时间状态
6 - 8学分 半时间状态
1 - 5学分 不到一半的时间状态


Any change in your 注册状态, 大学, or scholarships must be reported immediately to the Registrar. 也, 所有由外部机构提供的奖学金都必须向财政援助办公室报告,这可能会影响你的财政援助报价.


金融援助  财政服务
Assisting with completing FASFA (Free Application for Federal Student 援助) 开票和收取学费, 费用, and room and board charges for students attending Xavier University of Louisana
进行学生需求分析  学生账户为家长和学生提供有关学生账户查询(账单交易)的所有帮助
Perform federal verifications (audit of the information reported on your FAFSA)  Responsible for disbursing federal financial aid to student's account 
Certify loan eligibility, provide financial aid counseling  The processing of refunds to students and parents 
Make professional judgment decisions regarding student aid eligibility Issue IRS Form 1098-T for tax filling purposes
Package and offer federal student aid
Transmit aid to fiscal to post to student accounts for disbursements of funds 

Determining 资格 for 金融援助


  • 应用 for admission to Xavier University of 路易斯安那州. 在e世博esball大学学生经济援助和奖学金办公室确定你的经济援助计划之前,你必须被录取并参加学位学习项目.
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA). You must list Xavier University of 路易斯安那州 on your FAFSA so we can receive the results. Be sure to list the correct school code 002032.
  • 查看你的学生资助报告(SAR). If your SAR is rejected or requires correction or you are selected for verification, you should read the instructions carefully and take appropriate action.
  • 少了什么? When the 金融援助 Office receives your SAR, 您将收到一封“信息缺失”电子邮件,概述办公室可能需要的进一步信息,以完成您的申请.


  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA). You must list Xavier University of 路易斯安那州 on your FAFSA so we can receive the results. Be sure to list the correct school code 002032.
  • 查看你的学生资助报告(SAR). If your SAR is rejected or requires correction or you are selected for verification, you should read the instructions carefully and take appropriate action.
  • 少了什么? When the 金融援助 Office receives your SAR, 您将收到一封“信息缺失”电子邮件,概述办公室可能需要的进一步信息,以完成您的申请.


  • 应用 for admission to Xavier University of 路易斯安那州. 在e世博esball大学学生经济援助和奖学金办公室确定你的经济援助计划之前,你必须被录取并参加学位学习项目.
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA). You must list Xavier University of 路易斯安那州 on your FAFSA so we can receive the results. Be sure to list the correct school code 002032.
  • 查看你的学生资助报告(SAR). If your SAR is rejected or requires correction or you are selected for verification, you should read the instructions carefully and take appropriate action.
  • 少了什么? When the 金融援助 Office receives your SAR, 您将收到一封“信息缺失”电子邮件,概述办公室可能需要的进一步信息,以完成您的申请. 申请路易斯安那州e世博esball大学入学并申请联邦经济援助的学生必须:
  • Submit all transcripts from previous schools attended.



In order to be eligible for any form of federal, 状态, 或者机构财政援助, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • 你一定是美国人.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民.
  • You must have a valid social security number.
  • You must be admitted into a degree-seeking program. 你可以在被录取之前申请助学金,但你必须先被录取,才能获得助学金或发放助学金.
  • 如果你是年满18岁的男性,你必须登记服兵役.
  • To retain eligibility you must maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP).
  • 要获得路易斯安那州e世博esball大学的大多数类型的援助,你必须是全日制学生.
  • First-time 大学 students must have a high school diploma, a General Educational Development Certificate (GED), 或者家庭教育的文凭.


Financial Need/Offer of Need-Based 援助

您在FAFSA表格上向联邦中央处理器提供的数据将通过联邦政府建立的计算. This calculation establishes an Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Your eligibility for need-based aid is calculated by subtracting your EFC, 连同任何外部资源(如.e. Veteran benefits, scholarships, tuition waivers, fellowships, etc.)从你的出勤费用(我看)中扣除。. 这给了经济援助办公室你在路易斯安那大学的经济需求.



我看 $12,096 $12,096
——成立分公司 - 0 or - 1,000
=需要 $12,096 $11,096

If your EFC and other resources are less than the 我看, 然后你可能会有经济需求, and every effort is made to meet that need with a package that may include grants, 勤工助学, 补贴贷款. 应用 early otherwise you may find that the only funds available are from loan programs



申请经济援助最重要的过程是每年提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA). It is the fastest and most accurate way to apply. 在路易斯安那的e世博esball大学, FAFSA是e世博esball大学秋季和春季学期联邦和州援助的唯一申请.

The first day that you can submit the FAFSA for the new academic year is October 1. You must apply for financial aid every year. Some types of aid are limited in funding; therefore, you must apply early. 建议所有学生每年尽早完成申请.

Xavier University of 路易斯安那州 FAFSA school code is 002032.


金融援助 Videos on Completing the FAFSA



请理解,我们保留因您的财务状况变化而调整此报价的权利, 注册状态, availability of funds and/or if scholarships exceed the total Cost of Attendance.
Financial aid is offered on the conditions listed below:

  • Admitted to or enrolled in a Degree-Granting Program
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
  • 注册并上课
  • 如果你接受了你没有资格获得的援助,你有责任偿还这些资金
  • 如果你在两个不同的机构上课,你只能在一个机构获得资助
  • Additional financial assistance received from outside resources (i.e. scholarships, waivers) may reduce other aid already offered
  • 所有联邦学生贷款都需要主本票,入学和退出咨询


联邦佩尔助学金 -由路易斯安那州e世博esball大学管理的基于需求的联邦助学金联邦佩尔助学金通常只提供给本科生(那些没有获得学士学位的学生). 补助金不需要偿还.

联邦SEOG -联邦补充教育机会补助金-由路易斯安那州e世博esball大学管理的联邦资助的基于需求的补助金. 不像联邦佩尔助学金, 你收到的FSEOG录取金额不仅取决于你的经济需求,还取决于你收到的其他援助金额和大学的资金可用性. This grant does not have to be repaid.

联邦直接毕业生加贷款 -研究生或专业学位学生可以借到的贷款,并须经信贷批准. 学生必须注册并上课至少6小时才有资格获得贷款资金. To apply for the 研究生 PLUS loan go to http://studentaid.Administration /. Then click on the "Log In" blue button and enter the data required. 这将把你带到欢迎页面,然后你可以点击“申请直接PLUS贷款”。, 然后选择“研究生/专业学生直接PLUS贷款申请”的贷款类型,并按照说明完成申请. You have the right to cancel or reduce your loan.

联邦直接附加贷款 -是家长可代表其受供养的女儿/儿子申请的贷款,并须经信贷审批. 学生必须注册并上课至少6小时才有资格获得贷款资金. 申请PLUS贷款请到 http://studentaid.Administration /. Then click on the "Log In" blue button and enter the data required. 这将把你带到欢迎页面,然后你可以点击“申请直接PLUS贷款”。, 然后选择“家长直接PLUS贷款申请”的贷款类型,并按照指示完成申请. You have the right to cancel or reduce your loan.

联邦直接补贴贷款 -是必须偿还的贷款. 您必须注册并上课至少6小时才有资格获得贷款资金. You have the right to cancel or reduce your loan. To sign your Federal Direct Master Promissory Note visit Student援助.政府

联邦直接无补贴贷款 -是必须偿还的贷款. 您必须注册并上课至少6小时才有资格获得贷款资金. You have the right to cancel or reduce your loan.

联邦勤工俭学 -是一个为有经济需要的学生提供兼职、校内就业的工作项目. 在入学期间,FWS可以为本科生和研究生提供就业机会. The Federal Work-Study wage begins at $12.00 /小时.